Look at me, falling behind already!!
We've been busy busy busy! This weekend Marc and I got our new dining set, which is very exciting, I feel like the house is really coming together. Maybe today I will post some pictures of the house.
We also finally got rid of the swing set!!! It was such an eye sore in out backyard. I knew it wasn't cemented in but what I didnt realize was that the posts were only a couple inches in the ground! I can't believe I let my kid play on it! Here it is, just in case you were wondering:

I'm so happy its gone. I made the mistake of putting it on Craigslist for free...along with my phone number!! I started getting phone calls within a minute. I stopped answering my phone because I couldnt even understand the first person I talked to. His english sucked, but also the phone kept cutting out due to people calling like crazy. This guy came and took it away within the hour...maybe 2. So now the yard work begins. I have to shovel out the woddchips that were under the swing set (and how of course are spread all over the yard. then we get to try and grow grass in the millions of patches of dirt. We will be busy busy busy.
Allie and I went to the zoo yesterday. The weather was perfect (I got slightly burnt on my sholders). Although the zoo was slightly crowded, we had a really good time. I'm looking forward to many trips like the zoo this summer.